musing from the struggling "sublime" goddess # 4
the goddess of rough things
the goddess went to a funeral. a fish has died. and she went there because she had certain affinity with those creautres, maybe because She was one before. She who is soft and smooth from the start.
she walked awkwardly, the goddess of rough things, her gait showed that she was not familiar with walking. that her feet was mainly used for floating or swimming in the air. people looked at her, scrutinized her. her rough face, rough hair, rough hands, rough love. but she was there because the moon king was there. the one that she loved very dearly.
night came and they went to sleep. his back turned back at her. and the memory of Her stepped in.
how she loved to have Her warm body next to her. their feet intertwined like roots of old, old trees - unlike this, unlike them. her feet seeked warmth from the moon king. but he did not gave any of his warm light.
so unlike Her.
she looked sadly at him, he was almost soft and smooth all over, rough patches can now only be seen from his knees down. the sadness crashed into her, washed her, broke her. only a little time left with him. like Her, he too will leave behind the goddess of rough things. and she will be alone. just like everyone else. she will be
her tears suddenly washed her rough face. rough and smooth can never go together, she told herself. that's why she cannot love Her. that's why in a few more moments the moon king will leave her. because she cannot do anything to them anymore. no more rough edges to soften and smoothen. no more rough surfaces to make beautiful.
i will only make you bleed. she told the back of the moon king, her tears raining constantly on her rough face. just like what i did with Her.
ja no entiendo nada
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Дело в следующем...недавно заменил термопасту на своем камне (P4 3.0,prescott,478,куллер TITAN TTC-W6TB/825/CU35/SC) термопасту использовал АлСил-3(дата изготовления-4 квартал 2004 года,срок годности-5 лет) вобщем смазал я камень как надо,тонким слоем,предворительно обезжирив подошву куллера и камень спиртом,всё как надо...а вот недавно дёрнуло меня проведать,как мой камень там поживает(решил проверить чисто визуально)снял крепеж вентилятора,тяну за радиатор-не идёт!!! тяну сильнее-и....вырвал камень из соккета вместе с радиатором!камень к радиатору просто-напросто прилип!!!и это с учётом того,что камень был зажат в соккете надёжно(надёжней некуда) и вроде остатки старой термопасты удалил начисто перед нанисением новой,вобщем всё сделал как надо...а он(проц) вырвался из зажима соккета,и потом с трудом вообще снялся с радиатора,хотя в характеристиках термопасты прочность при разрыве стоит-0!!!вопрос-а не опасны ли вообще такие манипуляции с камнем(вырывать его из соккета вместе с радиатором,ну не вырвится ли нога,или не погнется ли...)и какую термопасту лучше использовать чтобы избежать подобных неприятностей...
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